Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Viral Micro Marketing in Charlotte, NC.

“Micromarketing is the practice of tailoring products and marketing strategies locally within a smaller region such as city and/or county. This practice of marketing is common with mom and pop restaurants, grocers, and other small business establishments that cater to a local audience. Micromarketing includes the practice of individual marketing where a marketing message is crafted more personally to a buyer.” 

Monday, November 23, 2009

What me worry

A must read for anyone interested in how new media effects us all.

A tweet from GuyKawasaki leads me to an excellent article by Buzz Canuck “16 Social Media Trends for 2010.

That’s how information moves in new media.

Mass Marketing is an oxymoron. Micro Marketing is the new meme.

7) Brandividuals - borrowing the term from David Armano that suggests personal brands = corporate brands - the myth that you can have a personal life and a professional life in social media simultaneously continues to wither away

Or my favorite

with Google Wave, never again will you be stuck in an email back and forth,  think about WebEx for consumers.

There are things we simply have to do like answering our email but how much more involved do I have to be? Do I need a blog; is twitter a required business skill for anyone doing business in the twenty first century?

What happens when you or your company is picked up because of for good or bad you’re part of a really interesting story? How prepared am I for my fifteen minutes of internet fame?

14) Word of Mouth Marketing - despite all form of exciting new tech and media advancements, the power of the human voice still ranks #1 ...and rising

He finishes this great article with this prediction:  Estimates are as high as 90% of internet traffic and 64% of mobile traffic will be video-based by 2013.

What will happen to broadcast TV with that many people’s eyes glued to the ultimate reality show, one that we all create together?

Next, is Google Wave the next big thing?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Second opinion

We all know competition is tough. In today’s climate hard work and knowing your business is expected. But are you sure you're doing all you can? Are you willing to look at new ideas.

That’s where a second opinion comes in. Some one with no product or service in mind gives an honest look at your marketing communications.

If you need a second opinion contact me.